What to Expect

Let’s walk through your treatment time:

🕐Your health history should be done in advance of treatment.
We go over your health history, and discuss anything that needs clarification. 🕑🕑After that, we do an assessment (it may be brief or in depth) and talk about what your treatment will entail. This is when I go over exactly what we are working on that day, we modify anything you want changed. For example, if you prefer to not have your feet worked on or want lighter pressure on your hamstrings etc.
🕒I usually have soft acoustic vocals playing but can change that if you prefer something different.
🕓I use fractionated coconut oil so if you don’t have any sensitivities to that, we are good. If you prefer a different oil, please let me know in advance. I do use fragrance free Live Clean lotion on hands and feet, but I can use oil if you prefer.
🕔Once I leave the room, you can undress to comfort level, most people usually undress to their underwear. You are welcome to leave on or take off as much as you wish to be comfortable on the table. I may ask for certain articles of clothing to be removed to be able to access areas that we are working on. You always have the right to stay as clothed as you prefer. We can do treatment through clothing.
🕕Everything is disinfected between clients, so you are welcome to hang things up, or put them on the chair, or desk if needed. There is hand sanitizer you are free to use as needed.
🕖When I leave the room to wash hands, you can get undressed and get between the sheets on the table and cover up as best you can. I will adjust the sheets when I come back in the room. Feel free to adjust the pillows, and if you need help, I can help adjust them. We can also adjust the face cradle if it feels uncomfortable.

🕗Your comfort during the treatment is important, so speak up!
I will always knock before I enter, wait for a loud ‘okay’ and then will come in.

🕘I try to be as comprehensive as possible about what to expect, what we are working on, and if I’m communicating clearly. If you’re uncertain about ANYTHING, please ask for clarification.

🕙You always have the right to withdraw or alter your consent at any time. It’s your treatment and your body.

🕚I also have the right to withdraw or refuse treatment. If this happens, I will explain why. Some examples are:
• medical issues that may need to be cleared or ruled out by your doctor
• children or patient NOT consenting to treatment (even when parents/guardians say yes) No = No
• sexual, bigoted, or derogatory comments
• intoxication or an altered level of consciousness

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